All about landscape Lighting

Blaze Of Glory - Syon House & Park, The Great Conservatory - London

Installing landscape lights can make a whole lot of difference in the aesthetics of a home. (Photo Credits)

Garden lights can accentuate any outdoor landscape for any home. And it definitely makes a whole lot of difference in terms of highlighting the vibrancy and beauty of the garden and the lawn during night time. Build Safe 

For those who may want to try their hand in installing outdoor or landscaping lights, Popular Mechanics came up with tips on how to install these fixtures.

“Start by laying the light fixtures on the ground where you intend to install them. Space the fixtures 8 to 10 feet apart. Next, unroll the spool of low-voltage electrical cable and lay the cable beside the fixtures. If you come to an obstacle, such as a boulder, tree, or fence, string the cable under or around it.”

Read the rest of the tips here.

Plan the project

The Family Handyman also came up with its own comprehensive guide on installing outdoor, garden, and landscape lights. Electrician

“For this project, you should have the fundamental wiring skills it takes to make proper connections and the basic electrical and carpentry tools. While they’re not crucial, a trench shovel, a mattock and a sledgehammer (Photos 1 and 2) will make the trench work easier and faster. Allow about a day to complete this project, assuming you collect all the parts in advance.”

Different Types of Electrical Cords of an Electrician

Check out the whole comprehensive guide here.

Related Electrical Installation and Repair Services: also published its share of tips on self-installation of outdoor lights. It however emphasized that safety precautions should always be observed especially when doing DIY jobs concerning electricity.

Electrician’s Tips for Pet Safety

“Never take risks with electrical safety. Before you start any type of electrical work, you must follow these following safety precautions: (1) Switch off the main power at the consumer unit/fuse box. Isolate the circuit you plan to work on by removing the circuit fuse. Put this in your pocket to avoid accidental replacement. (2) Or switch off the breaker and lock it if you can. (3) Attach a note to the unit to advise you are working on the circuit. (4) Check the circuit is dead with a socket tester or voltage tester/meter for lighting circuits.”

See the rest of the guide here.

To ensure safe and efficient outdoor lighting installation, it will always be a great move to consult with a licensed electrician contractor.

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Electrician’s tips in installing Holiday Lights