Electric cars seem to be the best option for the skyrocketing cost of living expenses. It presents itself as a good solution to rising gas prices and minimizing carbon footprint. But unlike regular cars, electric cars need a charging apparatus. While car chargers are available in some public areas, it is best to have one at home.
Each type of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) may come with a recommended type of charger, and the vehicle owner should closely follow the owner’s manual that came with their car. Gforce Electric Main Page There are two main types of PEV chargers, the Level 1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) has a 120-volt current and works as a power outlet. The second type of PEV charger is the Level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) runs on a 240-volt electric current supply. The main difference between the two chargers is the amount of electrical charge they could provide.
Installing a residential PEV charger
While some vehicle owners may toy with the idea of installing a residential PEV charger on their own, it is important to note that installation is best carried out by a professional electrical contractor. Gforce Green Electric Solutions Poway Most areas in the United States also require a permit to install a charger. A residential electrician can file the permit application online and proceed with the installation.
The importance of getting a professional to carry out installation is the requirement of a dedicated electrical circuit. Whether the owner decides to install a Level 1 or a Level 2 charger, both types would require a single circuit meant only for charging the electric vehicle. An electrician can install a dedicated circuit, or at the very least, ensure that only the charger is using the specific circuit it is plugged into. Gforce Green Electric Solutions Lakeside
Moreover, some homes may not be equipped to provide the 240-volt power, needed by the much faster Level 2 charger. If the home is not equipped with 240-volt power, the property owner must seek an electric service upgrade. A residential electrician can carry out this upgrade.
Refrain from doing a DIY Electric Car Charger Installation
Several drawbacks could come with the decision to self-install a PEV charger. One of the most obvious drawbacks is that DIY work is not up to code. When one of the circuits is not up to code, electrical safety hazards abound such as possible electrical fires or power outages. Moreover, the home will not pass electrical safety inspections as homemade wiring is always a red flag for home inspectors.