Four Ways to Save on Air Conditioning Cost
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Split-Type Airconditioning. (Photo Credits: Jurek D. cc: Some Rights Reserved)
During the summer months, air conditioning pushes up electric meters, and why not? Most consumers need a relief from the steaming heat outside their homes.
But how do you exactly cool yourself without hiking your power bill and busting your wallet? Here are four ways:
1. Regularly maintain your Home Air conditioning System. In its Blog, The Thrifty Couple mentioned that a clean air conditioning unit saves more money. “It helps your unit to run more efficiently, which lowers your energy costs; (it) keeps your air conditioning unit in good working order to help it last longer,” it explains. They detailed an instruction on how to clean your unit here.
2. Use the Timer. Aircon timers are there for a reason. underscores in this article, the importance of using a timer if one wants to save on power costs. “You can also set the timer of your air conditioning unit to turn off earlier than usual (at least 30 minutes than usual is enough to give big savings). The room will still remain cool for a period of time even if the unit has turned off.”
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3. Explore alternatives. YouTube has a lot of instructional videos on how to make a Do-It-Yourself airconditioning machine that will only cost you a very small fraction of an aircon’s original cost. shared this video of a DIY Airconditioning unit that will only cost $19. “This simple DIY air conditioner cools down a small area and can be made in just a few minutes out of simple parts.”
4. Go Au Naturel. Huffington Post enumerates 10 ways to keep cool without touching the A/C. Foremost on its list of tips is to close the
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blinds or the curtains because the heat radiated from the outside, robs the room of cooler air. “While it’s tempting to crank up the AC or plant
yourself within a couple-foot radius of the nearest fan, these certainly aren’t the only tricks for keeping cool.”
If all else fails, just turn on that A/C, and just work harder so you can keep up with the tab that is your next utility bill.